Reiki Treatment
 Holistic ServiceS


Reiki is a form of hands-on healing. The word Reiki means universal life force energy. It is unconditional love. Reiki was rediscovered in Japan in the nineteenth century by Dr. Mikao Usui. It is now practiced all over the world. There are many physiological, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits of receiving Reiki energy treatments. It is a process used to remove all that is not love in mind, body and spirit. It helps to alleviate stress, feelings of overwhelm, states of fear and anxiety. It is an energetic purge of negativity that has been consciously or subconsciously stored within the human being. After receiving Reiki, many people express feeling “lighter”, happier, calmer and more peaceful. In some instances people have expressed their level of physical pain dissipating and lessening in their bodies. It is a spiritual process that can help induce a meditative and relaxed state.

 Holistic ServiceS


Meditation is a practice that involves clearing or focusing the mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques. It is a powerful healing modality that promotes relaxation, peace and a reduction in stress and anxiety. Meditation emphasizes the importance of being in the “now” moment, taking time to breathe, letting go of outer noise and distractions and connect fully to the experience of being within your physical body. There are many ways to meditate, and not one way is more beneficial than the other. The purpose of meditation is to allow for stillness. To cease to “do” and to allow yourself to just “be”: To connect to the rhythmic pattern of your breathing, to feel your heart beating in your chest, to send soothing waves of healing through you by slowing your breathing and calming the nervous system.  When meditation is practiced on a frequent basis, you will naturally feel happier, more focused and clear-minded and peaceful in your life.

Meditation Treatment
Yoga Treatment Program
 Holistic ServiceS


Yoga is a mind and body practice that builds strength, flexibility and creates a sense of calm and serenity within the mind, body and soul. There are many variations of yoga to choose from. It is a wonderful modality that reduces stress by combining physical postures with breathing techniques and meditation.

 Holistic ServiceS


Breathwork is working on the way that you breathe to release emotions and blocked energy and reduce negative emotions such as anxiety and depression stored within the body and mind. This is a powerful modality that allows for a deeper connection to self and assists in healing trauma and eliciting a sense of peace.

Yoga is a mind and body practice that builds strength, flexibility and creates a sense of calm and serenity within the mind, body and soul. There are many variations of yoga to choose from. It is a wonderful modality that reduces stress by combining physical postures with breathing techniques and meditation.

Walks in Nature
 Holistic ServiceS

Walks in Nature

Clients will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.  Enjoy a peaceful walk in nature and access local hiking trails, forests and lakeside views.  They can gaze at the mesmerizing clouds, elegant trees, and soothing waters. Feel the comforting touch of grass beneath their feet and let it ground you to the earth. Listen to harmonious birdsong that fills the air while inhaling revitalizing breezes purified by the plants.  Experience the harmonious interplay of these elements as they synergize to refresh your mind and uplift your spirits, empowering you for the day ahead.

 Holistic ServiceS


At Hope Be The Cure we believe that it is important for our clients to understand and learn about the nurturing sustenance of incorporating a healthy and balanced diet within their daily lifestyle. Clients will frequently engage in cooking classes to learn simple techniques for meal preparation.  Being able to prepare wholesome and nourishing food and beverage items not only is good for the physical body but creates a feeling of pride and personal accomplishment.  Clients will actively explore a variety of ingredients and can creatively express themselves through food.  And healthy eating habits nourish not only the body but the mind and the soul.  

Nutritional Food Habits
Healthy Foods
 Holistic ServiceS

Organic Gardening

Studies show that those who garden are more likely to eat vegetables.  Vegetables are a good source of essential nutrients and when you work outside in the sunshine, you are aiding your body in the production of vitamin D.  Walking, bending, lifting, and pulling movements that happen while gardening fit into the moderate exercise category that can increase your body’s immune system function.  Learning about how to seed, plant and grow is a wonderful knowledge that promotes sustainability.  At Hope Be The Cure, clients will have the opportunity to develop and learn new gardening skills.

 Holistic ServiceS

Art Therapy

Art is used as an alternative counselling approach for individuals.  Art therapy can be useful in allowing people to express challenging emotions that they may struggle to express with words.  It uses various art media and creative processes to help people feel in touch with their innermost thoughts and feelings.  Creative expression through artmaking can serve as a cathartic outlet, and research has shown its benefits as a therapeutic tool.

Art Therapy
Outdoor Fitness Program
 Holistic ServiceS

Health & Fitness Training

Regular physical activity can not only strengthen your physical body, but it also helps to promote mental wellbeing and is a great way of releasing stress and tension.  At Hope Be The Cure, we work with our clients to explore various modalities of exercise assisting our clients to identify the ways to move their bodies that bring them a sense of fulfillment and personal enjoyment. 


Services Programs

You are one decision away from a completely different life.

Our program & services offer positive integration back into society by fostering healthy relationships and work ethics with employers, school settings, families and personal relationships.


Holistic Services

Holistic Services

  • Reiki
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Breathwork
  • Walks in Nature
  • Nutrition
  • Organic Gardening
  • Art Therapy
  • Health & Fitness


Therapeutic Services

Therapeutic Services

  • Counselling
  • Group Therapy
  • Meetings
  • Prevention
  • Aftercare
  • Family Support